Yes! You can overcome ADHD, naturally.
We Can Help Adults and Children!
The BrainWorx Method has helped thousands of adults and children overcome the challenges of ADHD, autism, sensory disorder and much more for over 20 years; reducing anxiety, and fostering focus, learning and joy.
I’m a Mother Like You, and I’ve Been Through What You’re Going Through
When a child is unable to follow directions, it creates chaos at home and in class.
I hear this every day from mothers, and I’ve been where you are now. In fact, I had two boys diagnosed with ADHD, autism and more, and two doctors told me to put my oldest boy in an institution and move on with my life. That’s when I got committed to finding a solution.
It took me seven years to find a solution that worked, and what I found worked so well that other parents started asking me to work with their children too.
20 years later I have helped thousands of children and adults overcome their challenges of anxiety, focus, and so much more, naturally without medication.
BrainWorx is for Adults Too!
To help my children, I had to perform the movements and exercises with them to get them to do it. As I did, I noticed I started having some pretty big breakthroughs myself.
My anxiety calmed down, my focus and reading comprehension improved, and so much more.
As I applied what I learned to adults who were also struggling, they showed marked improvements in calm and focus and more too.
Now, BrainWorx features an Adult Program where we help adults achieve amazing results too, naturally.
“The BrainWorx Method” can work for everyone because it uses movement to ignite the neurons in the brain to connect, giving you automatic functions that you now lack, such as the ability to automatically regulate fight or flight.
How the BrainWorx Method Works
Many challenges that affect children and adults — including ADD, ADHD, sensory disorders, and more — are caused by underdeveloped parts of their brain, specifically the lower centers called the pons and midbrain.
BrainWorx is a scientifically proven method that teaches adults, children, parents, and educators how to develop the brain through movement. It’s a natural approach to reducing fight or flight, improving focus, and developing emotional regulation.
20 mins 
The BrainWorx program is simple to follow and takes just 20 minutes a day. Within only a matter of weeks, you will start to see life-changing results.
Life Changing
BrainWorx has helped thousands of children and adults overcome behavioral, emotional, and learning challenges without the use of medication.

For You. For Your Child. For Your Classroom.

Children & Families
Help Your Loved One Develop and Thrive

Assume Control of Your Life

Teachers & Educators
Teach the BrainWorx Method

“Brainworx is crucial in helping a child’s brain to modulate and interrogate information correctly, so the output is accurate and appropriate. When paired with proper gut health the results are incredible.”
Dr. Lisa Sulsenti

“My son is able to control himself more and more…not to be as reactive. I don’t know how it works, but it just works. It’s amazing.”
Zahra Ghorishi,
M.D. & Parent Neonatal-Perinatal at Sharp Mary Birch Center

“Anybody in any family could be using BrainWorx. This needs to be in every single school system. I can’t wait to tell my friends, because I have so many friends whose kids are on ADHD medication. This is something they need to do.”
Dr. Betsy Greenleaf,
Greenleaf Health & Wellness
and The Pelvic Institute
We’ve Been There
We understand the unique challenges behavioral and learning disorders can bring.
That’s why we created BrainWorx.

BrainWorx Founder
Alma Galvan
After both of my children were diagnosed with severe behavioral and learning challenges (ADHD, autism, sensory disorder and much more), I went on a 7 year quest to find solutions for my boys.
Over the past 20 years I have worked with thousands of adults and children to help them overcome their challenges with anxiety, learning, focus, overwhelm, procrastination, organization, and so much more.
Bob Dietrich
My father turned to drugs and alcohol to cope with his ADHD, and the effects on my family were devastating.
Alma and I are on a mission to equip adults and children with the tools to develop their brain and make permanent shifts so they can be empowered to live happy, peaceful and productive lives.

See if BrainWorx is a Fit for You
Struggling to focus or having trouble with your child?
Watch this free workshop “How to Naturally Improve Your Child’s Behavior” to see what BrainWorx can do for you.
Get an explanation of how your child’s brain is working. See what is creating their behaviors. Learn easy movements to start doing at home.